Take free numerical practice tests
Numerical Test 1
- 18 mins
- 18 questions
Numerical Test 2
- 18 mins
- 18 questions
Numerical Test 3
- 18 mins
- 18 questions
We need you and your friends to take our tests
Our psychologists are currently developing a large bank of numerical reasoning questions. These tests will eventually be used by large organisations such as KPMG to select the best candidates. But before these tests can be used we need candidates to try them out. We will use your score data to help develop norm group data (a big data-set of people's scores which we can use for comparisons). We have the utmost respect for your privacy so will not record any private data about you; all your data is anonymous.
You will be providing us with valuable, anonymous norm group data, which we can use to develop our psychometric tests. Our tests are industry-standard and you may see a resemblance to the tests already being used by companies such as SHL, which means you can use our tests to get used to the types of psychometric tests used by employers. Feel free to treat this as a realistic preview of the full psychometric tests you are likely to encounter as part of a selection process.